EL MONTE, CA 91731-2990
PHONE: (818) 575-6800

Reference No. C-94-051

NOV - 8 1994

Mr. Gary Starr
Renaissance Cars, Inc.
3555 Fourth Street
Santa Rosa, CA 96405

Dear Mr. Starr:

Enclosed is Executive Order A-319-1 approving your 1995 model-year new pure electric vehicle, model Tropica. This vehicle has been certified as a zero emission vehicle (ZEV), which qualifies as a low-emission Vehicle as defined by Health and Safety Code (HSC) Section 39O37.05 and 43800.

Statutory low-emission vehicles such as the Tropica can be eligible for sales tax exemption per HSC Section 43802 based on the incremental cost and an income tax credit per Revenue and Taxation Code (RTC) Section 17052.11. Please contact Ms. Susan Patterson of the California Energy Comission (CEC) at (916) 654-4683 for information regarding the sales tax exemption, and Ms. Jennifer Allen of the CEC at (916) 653-0291 regarding the income tax credit program; the total funds available for the income tax credit program are limited. As can be seen from the Executive Order, your vehicles are required to be labeled per HSC Section 43802(a). This labeling shall include a statement of the incremental cost (determined by the CEC) which is exempted from sales tax.

If you have further questions, please telephone Mr. Duc Nguyen, Manager, Certification Section, or Ms. Rhonda Runyon, staff, at (818) 575-6653 Sincerely R.B Summerfield
Assistant Division Chief
Mobile Source Division

State of California

Relating to Certification of New Pure Electric Motor Vehicles


Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by the Health and Safety Code, Division 26, Part 5, Chapter 2; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Health and Safety Code Sections 39515 and 39516 and Executive Orders G-45-3 and G-45-4;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That 1995 model Renaissance Cars, Inc. new pure electric motor vehicles are certified as "zero-emission vehicles" as described below:

Engine Family: SR4000VYZSRA
Main Battery Type: Lead-Acid
Ranqe-Extender Battery Type: None
Vehicle Model; Tropica

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That because the listed vehicle models are powered by battery-stored electricity and have no on-board systems which consume any fuel other than electricity, the vehicles have no exhaust or evaporative emissions and therefore meet the definition of "zero-emission vehicle" in Title 13, California Code of Regulations, Section 1900(b)(15), and the definition of low-emission motor vehicle set forth in Health and Safety Code Sections 39037.05 and 43800.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the listed models shall not be equipped with any fuel-fired auxillary power sources or heaters.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the listed vehicle models shall comply with the "California Motor Vehicle Emission Control Label Speciflcatlons title 13", California Code of Regulations, Section 1965) for the aforementioned model year.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the listed vehicle models shall be clearly labeled as "low-emission motor vehicles" as defined in Health and Safety Code Sections 39037.05 and 43800, and such labeling shall meet the requirements of Health and Safety Code Section 43802(d) at the time of sale.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That because the vehicles certified by this executive order have no parts that affect emissions for which there is an applicable emission requirement, the manufacturor is not required to provide an emission control system warranty pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sectlon 43205 or Title 13, California Code of Regulations, Sections 2035 et seq. Quarterly production reports shall be submitted to the Executive Officer no later than 45 days after the end of each quarter.

Vehicles certified under this Executive Order must conform to all applicable California emission regulations.

The Bureau of Automotive Repair will be notified by copy of this order.

Executed at El Monte, California this 8th day of November, 1994.

R.B. Summerfield
Assistant Division Chief
Mobile Source Divlslon

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